Parks Review
Xyst was engaged to review the functions and services undertaken by the District Parks Planning and District Parks Operations within the Operations Department at Taupo District Council. Specifically, the review sought to: Identify what policy and plans are currently in place and what is on the agenda to complete currently Develop a clear hierarchy of […]
Cemetery Capacity and Land Feasibility Review
The Kapiti Coast District Council engaged Xyst to conduct a two-part review of its Cemetery provision. The first stage of this project looked at the District’s remaining cemetery capacity at Awa Tapu, Otaki and Waikanae. To complete this review Xyst assessed interment trends and future projections. The team also looked for opportunities to optimise the […]
Parks Management and Operations Review
Xyst was engaged to review the functions and services undertaken by the Parks and Recreation team within the Operations business unit at Nelson City Council. The review sought to understand which functions and services Council’s Parks and Recreation Team currently provides in regards to the operational management of Council’s parks, reserves, and public facilities, the […]
Camping Ground Activity
Section 17A Services Delivery Review Through this review process Xyst spoke to Council’s operational, governance and financial staff, as well as camping ground operators and their governing bodies, to better understand the current operational model, performance and challenges. We considered the current agreements, legislative compliance, asset management and tourism/visitor offering. As a result we have […]
Lake Alexandrina Community Engagement
Xyst was engaged by the Mackenzie District Council to provide management support for the Lake Alexandrina and McGregor Reserves, which over successive years had fallen down the Council’s work programme. Initially, Xyst worked with Council staff to rekindle relationships with community representatives, and to discuss management issues as raised by the community and within a […]
Tararua Reserve Land and Community Buildings Rationalisation
Xyst was engaged to review Tararua District Council’s (TDC) land and buildings portfolio to identify opportunities for rationalisation in order to reduce operational expenditure, as directed by the 2024 Long-Term Plan (LTP). The review encompassed Council-owned community buildings, parks, reserves, and other non-operational land with the primary objective of identifying under-utilised or surplus properties that […]
Alps 2 Ocean Trail Manager Secondment
The Waitaki and Mackenzie District Councils engaged Xyst to provide a Trail Manager for the Alps 2 Ocean (A2O) cycleway until a candidate could be recruited. Our trails specialist stepped into this role for 6 months, which entailed covering the trail’s capital programme delivery, including the East Pukaki Trail off-roading, signage upgrades and various other […]
Ruapehu Tree Data Collection
Xyst collected tree data on more than 1,600 of Ruapehu District Councils (RDC) street and park trees. Data collected included GPS location, species, maturity, size, condition, recommended works, life expectancy and a photo per tree. We used our in-house data collection tool to provide the data to Council (via shape file and Excel) for uploading […]
Hilltop to Akaroa Trail Feasibility Assessment
The Rod Donald Banks Peninsula Trust was looking to explore opportunities to create a walking and cycling route between Hilltop and Akaroa, an extension of Te Ara Pātaka (Summit Walkway), which they manage alongside other organisations. The Trust engaged Xyst to undertake a mainly high-level desktop exercise to scope out potential route options after undertaking […]
Ashburton Omnibus Reserve Management Plan
Xyst developed an Omnibus Reserve Management Plan for the Ashburton District covering approximately 120 reserves, using the process outlined in the Reserves Act 1977. This included gaining approval from Council at various stages throughout the process by writing and presenting reports to Council, undertaking two rounds of public consultation, engagement with iwi and engagement with […]
Ashburton Land Status Review and Classification
Xyst undertook a comprehensive review of all park and reserve land held by Ashburton District Council for open space purposes, to determine how the land was held, who the administering body of the land is under the Reserves Act 1977 and if land had been classified appropriately. We presented our findings and recommendations to Council […]
Subdivision Lighting Technical Reviews
Since 2021, Xyst has been providing technical reviews of lighting designs for residential subdivisions and commercial developments submitted for engineering approval. Xyst has completed over 70 technical reviews, most within 24 hours of receipt.